The Impact of Job Rotation Toward The Performance of Operational Employees in PT. Matahari Putra Prima Tbk
The following research is conducted in PT. Matahari Putra Prima Tbk. specifically in the operational section that has the population of 70 employees. The number of sample taken in this reseach is 58. The data is obtained through a series of questionnaire that have been tested through a validy and realibility measurement. The technique of analysis used in this research include linear regression, partial t test and R-squared test. The linear regression yields a result of y=12,047+0,693x. The result of R2 is 0,680. This indicates that the performance of employees is effected by job rotation as high as 68,0%. The excess of 32% is effected by other variables like style of leadership, compensation and various motives that are not explained in this research. Meanwhile, the significance of job rotation impact toward the performance of employees is done using the t test. From the SPSS22 software, we attain tcount as high as 10,919. From the table of t distribution (with the error level of 5%), we attain ttable as high as 1,672. Since the score of tcount is greater than ttable (10,919 > 1,672), the submission of hypotesis is accepted.
Keywords: Job rotation, Performance of employees
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