Financial Management Information System to Improve South Tangerang MSME Performance


  • Rahmi Pujiati Universitas Pamulang
  • Sunia Ardiyanti Universitas Pamulang
  • Rama Kurniawan Universitas Pamulang


The era of  Digitization requires all business lines to improve their Information Management System. The old conventional system needs to be abandoned immediately. MSMEs as one of the pillars of the nation's economic enforcement, have many obstacles in various fields, especially the ability to master digital technology. This requires extra efforts from various parties, both MSME actors, the Cooperatives and MSME Service, and members of the local DPRD. This study paper was prepared related to the MSME Financial Management Information System, especially in South Tangerang. Since the Covid 19 pandemic, the number of South Tengerang SMEs has increased almost 3 times to 90,128. Most of these figures (82%) are Micro businesses with various obstacles, especially financial management constraints [1]. The method of writing this study paper is carried out by (1) collecting various data related to MSME Financial SIM through interviews and surveys of MSME actors, Kadinkop and MSMEs in South Tangerang, and members of the South Tangerang DPRD, (2) studying several related journals, (3) Analyzing MSME Finance SIM data and its development in the future. The author believes that increasing MSMEs in SIM Finance can improve performance which will eventually lead to an increase in the welfare of the Indonesian people. The results of the study of this paper show that: (1) Efforts to train MSMEs can improve financial management capabilities (2) MSME performance has increased in line with the increase in their financial management management capabilities.

 Keywords: Management Information System, Financial Management, Performance, MSME



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