Utilization of Information Technology, Internet and E-Commerce in Herbal MSMEs


  • Leni Suhartati Universitas Pamulang
  • Sonia Zulfa Deshi Danuz Universitas Pamulang
  • Febry Edward Universitas Pamulang
  • Nur Kholikul Ulum Universitas Pamulang
  • Taswanda Taryo Universitas Pamulang


This research is based on fact that during the pandemic, the need for technology, internet and e-commerce has increased significantly. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of information technology, internet and e-commerce at MSME Herbal Waroeng Sehat, Tangerang City has been carried out optimally.The methodology used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis. The test used in this study is the frequency distribution table test. The data analysis used was descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative. Data collection was obtained by distributing questionnaires in the form of Google Form to 30 respondents. Primary data derived from questionnaires were processed through the SPSS version 25 program. According to (Ghozali, 2018, p. 15) [1], SPSS is an abbreviation of Statistical Package for Social Sciences, which is software that functions to analyze data, perform statistical calculations for both parametric and non-parametric statistic on a windows basis. The results showed that the ability of employees to operate computers was 83.3% or 25 employees. And the use of the internet to support daily work is 86.7% or 26 employees. Utilization of E-commerce can add business branches, the answer is 66.7% or 20 people answered that the use of E-commerce can add business branches. It can be concluded that the utilization of Information Technology, Internet and E-commerce has been carried out optimally by Waroeng Sehat.The impact of this research is expected in the next 5 years Waroeng Sehat SMEs can expand their digital marketing strategies by using Internet of Things technology in order to get maximum profit.

 Keywords: Information Technology, Internet, E-commerce, MSME


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