The Correlation Between Consumer Behavior And Online Shop In Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)


  • Afifah Arzana Vawan Univeritas Pamulang
  • Novia Nabila Univeritas Pamulang
  • Acha Hirdie Yodanma Univeritas Pamulang
  • Maulana Maulana Univeritas Pamulang


The development of the digital world is currently growing rapidly. In this digitalisation era, it is important for every owner of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSME) to understand consumer behavior when they buy a product before they release their own products to the market. Therefore, every MSME must adjust its marketing strategy by using an online system to sell its products. Shopping through online media is now starting to become a habit for the general public because of its convenience. The purpose of this journal is to give knowledge to the public about the correlation between consumer behavior and online shopping.

 Keywords:  Consumer Behavior, Marketing Strategy, Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises (MSME), Online Shopping.


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