Financial Health Analysis of Banks Listed on LQ 45 Index for Period 2015-2019


  • Deni Kurniawan Universitas Pamulang
  • Intan Permata Hati Universitas Pamulang
  • Ririn Maryanti Universitas Pamulang
  • Safari Safari Universitas Pamulang


Financial health is a condition in which the company is able to operate the company properly because of financial performance that can work properly. Financial performance is a picture of the achievement of the company's success. The study aimed to find out how the financial health level of banks listed in the Lq45 Index. This study was measured using the Zmijewski Model approach to see how much bankruptcy predictions were. The population used is four Banks listed on the Lq45 Index. The results of the analysis showed that the average Bank listed in the Lq45 Index detected Xi > = 0.00 which means the financial health is prone to bankruptcy.

Keywords: Financial Health, Index LQ45, Zmijewski Model.


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