The MIS Digital Marketing on Fish Cultivation of SMEs In The Tangerang Selatan Region


  • Abdul Rahpin Universitas Pamulang
  • Santi Santi Universitas Pamulang
  • Yosep Hendaris Universitas Pamulang
  • Yusnita Ika Puspitarini Universitas Pamulang
  • Moh Sutoro Universitas Pamulang


Fisheries information systems play a central role in providing support to outline and define management strategies aimed at ensuring the right balance between conservation of fishery resources and the economic benefits arising from the exploitation of these same resources. The fisheries sector management information system (MIS) function has the important objective of developing a solid Fisheries Information Management System, which is defined as an integrated set of related applications and processes that together support a country's national fisheries authority in achieving its business objectives through the provision of comprehensive, reliable data. timely, reliable and quality results. The function of the Fisheries Information Management System is to integrate a collection of relevant fisheries related information and make it available at the push of a button in the sense that it can be implemented in one digital-based application. The system must be in line with “best practice†data and information management, utilizing the latest technology to enable aquaculture small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to make timely decisions. And also need to enable electronic exchanges nationally and regionally involving partner institutions and the fishing industry itself. The National Development Planning System (SPPN) stipulated by the government in Law number 25 of 2004, each region is required to draw up a development plan in a systematic, directed, integrated, comprehensive and responsive manner to changes, in accordance with annual, medium-term and long-term plans. Digital Marketing can be interpreted as an electronic marketing tool, also known as Internet marketing. In contrast to traditional marketing, Digital Marketing takes marketing techniques and concepts, the application of which is through the electronic media of the internet. Basically, Digital Marketing brings together the technical and graphic aspects of online tools, through design, advertising, brand development, promotion and sales. Internet marketing offers the possibility to track almost every action a visitor or potential customer takes in response to a marketing message and how they navigate through the customer's buying cycle.

Keywords: MIS, Digital Marketing, SMEs, Fish Farming, Tangerang Selatan


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