The Effect of Promotion, Product Quality, and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction at Outlets Vin Crepes Takoyaki South Jakarta
The decline in sales at the Vin Crepes Takoyaki Outlet is an indication and initial clue behind theholding of this research, in addition there are several complaints from customers who were directly encountered by researchers in the field adding to the list of causes of problems for further analysis. The purpose of this study is to analyze how much customer satisfaction occurs, seen from the magnitude of the correlation between customer satisfaction itself and the quality of the product produced, the quality of service provided by employees to customers, and the influence of sales promotions. The methodology in this study uses quantitative data analysis with multiple linear regression, data collection from the results of questionnaires distributed to 50 respondents (buyers at Vin Crepes Takoyaki outlets) and the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) application which is a statistical data processing media in social science. Theinitial hypothesis author'ssuspect that there is a positive relationship between product quality, service quality and sales promotion on customer satisfaction.After processing the data with SPSS,theresults were obtained following: To test the validity of the three independent variables had a positive or significant effect on customer satisfaction, for the reliability test the three independent variables were proven to be reliable or acceptable, because the Cronbach Alpha value was more than 0.7, for the coefficient test determination (R2) it can be concluded that the percentage of influence of the three independent variables can be proven by the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.398 this means 39.8% of Crepes Vin takoyaki(Y) variable is influenced by the (X1) variable, (X2) variable and (X3) variable, while the remaining 60, 2% influenced by other variables.
Keyword : Product Quality, Customer Quality, Sales Promotion, Customer Satisfaction
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