The Effectiveness of the Headway for The Jakarta MRT during the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Leni Devera Asrar Institute of Technology Budi Utomo (ITBU)
  • Rafa Ganitrikunda Institute of Technology Budi Utomo (ITBU)
  • Martin Djamin Institute of Technology Budi Utomo (ITBU)
  • Taswanda Taryo Universitas Pamulang


Population growth and mobility continues to increase, encouraging the DKI Jakarta provincial government to develop a public transportation called Jakarta Train Integrated Raya Mode (MRT).  Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 resulted in the decline of the economy throughout the world, including Indonesia. The policies made by the government in limiting community mobilization have an impact on decreasing cash flow in the transportation service sector, such as, MRT Jakarta. PT. MRT Jakarta (The MRT Management) then implemented changes to the train headway that was adjusted to the current pandemic conditions by considering policies from the government and income during the pandemic. This paper discusses the use of electric power in the MRT headway from a technical and economical perspective in order to find the ideal advice in operating trains during the pandemic. This is an empirical research using prescriptive primary materials through interviews and valid data obtained from the research institution and an assessment of literature studies that are relevant to the problems that have been studied. The results showed the amount of electrical power used by the MRT trains from Lebak Bulus Station (LBS) to Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (BHI) station using 6 trains in one series, namely, 400.564 kWh with an average consumption of electrical energy before the pandemic reached 3,163,654 kWh per month. During the pandemic, the use of MRT energy reached 1,913,037 kWh per month. The results showed that the electric power when using 4 trains in a series is 178.568 kWh. The implementation of the train headway before the pandemic indicated an effective value since this was accompanied by high ticket sales. However, during the pandemic, the electricity consumption of the MRT train has not reached an effective value and the income from ticket sales has not been able to meet the cost of electricity bills. To maintain the effectiveness, changes in the minimum account value be readjusted by the MRT Management and PLN by adjusting the policies set by the government during the pandemic. The MRT train headway pattern was then realigned with service users and policies set by the government so the electrical energy costs could be effective. Finally, the use of 4 trains in a series of the MRT trains when traffic is low may reduce power consumption of 221.996 kWh. However, the use of 4 trains means may cause there are no replacement trains during the MRT operations.

 Keywords: Effectiveness, MRT Jakarta, train electric power, Covid-19


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