Digital marketing & Co-Branding As Future Marketing Strategy In Business Transformation During Pandemic Covid-19 In Indonesia (A Case Study Of PT Adco Pakis Mas - Aerostreet Shoes)
The use of social media has a significant role in the era called entering the pre era of society 5.0 in digitizing in daily activities in digital shopping (online). This study aims to determine whether the use of social media and Influencer collaboration has a role in increasing brand awareness and increasing sales to the millennial generation on Brand Aerostreet products. This study uses a qualitative descriptive methodology. The qualitative research method was chosen because it has an emphasis on the natural environment, induction, flexibility, direct experience, depth, active participation of participation and interpretation. In this study, it is used, which emphasizes descriptive analysis based on direct social interactive results in understanding the symbols used for all sources, the environment and the situation in which the research is carried out. Aerostreet shoes are a phenomenal local shoe brand during this pandemic where Aerostreet can survive when other business actors have closed during this pandemic, Aerostreet maximizes the use of social media in the form of Instagram to interact and engage with potential customers. Plus other strategies by strengthening collaboration strategies throughout the year to achieve the existence and mutual support of local brands in this pandemic. Aero Street has collaborated with more than 15 local trademarks, and sold 6000 pairs of shoes in 2 minutes. From the results of interviews and data from the Instagram division team, it is stated that the largest number of buyers are young people who like things that are exclusive and not market, to deepen the analysis, strategies are presented in aspects of the marketing mix of Price, Product, Promotion and Place (Distribution) on the classification and category of the millennial generation that the millennial generation was born from the range of 1980 to 1995. It can be concluded that social media has a significant role in increasing brand awareness and collaboration of the millennial generation.
Keywords: Digital marketing , Brand Awareness, Co-Branding , Millenial, Marketing mix
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