The Role Of Customer Service In Providing Patient Satisfication at Kemang Medical Care “Ibu Dan Anak” Children Hospital, South Jakarta


  • Sugiyarto Sugiyarto Universitas Pamulang
  • Edi Junaedi Universitas Pamulang
  • Zaki Zainal Arifin Universitas Pamulang


The writing of this final project is about the role of Customer Service in providing patient satisfaction at the Kemang Medical Care Women and Children Hospital. The purpose of this final report is to determine the role of Customer Service in providing patient satisfaction at the Women and Children Hospital, Kemang Medical Care, South Jakarta. Based on existing data, the role of Customer Service has not been maximized in improving patient services at the Kemang Medical Care Women and Children Hospital.   At least there are several obstacles faced by the Customer Service unit in an effort to provide patient satisfaction at the Kemang Medical Care Women and Children Hospital, namely the number of Customer Service on duty is not matched by the number of patients who come to register, especially the number of missed calls that enter is quite high, workload analysis is very necessary and needs to be anticipated so that patients who call and don't answer didn't switch to another hospital. Patients should be transferred to an online appointment system or can apply an automatic answering machine system so that incoming calls can be distributed, and reduce patient risk complaints. 

 Keywords: : Role, Customer Service and Patient Satisfaction 


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