Strategy Analysis Of The Marketing Mix In An Effort To Increase The Growth Of Third Party Funds
PT BPRS Al Salaam Amal Salman is one of the companies enganged in Islamic banking services. Because of the increasing competition at this time so that management needs to review its marketing strategy from marketing strategy or marketing mix strategy.This study aims to determine the variables that are the strengts, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and alternative stragies from the SWOT analysis and marketing mix strategy. The method of this research is qualitative research basesd on SWOT analysis, this reserch data is analyzed from the results of interviews and focus group discussions in this study include internalkey informants, external key informants. The result of the analysis show that the variables that become strength are product in accordance with sharia contracts, a strong brand image, service with pick up service to customers, strategic branch offices, competitive profit sharing ratios, the product without admin fees and penalty. Then the threat is the number of competitors, competitors have sophisticated and complete technology, bad economic and political contitions. Reformulation marketing strategies are marketing mix strategies and alternative strategies for SWOT Matrix analysis.Based on the results of the study, it can be suggested that giving special prices to consumers, be more aggressive in promotion, carried out training for employees and improve service quality.
Keywords: SWOT Analysis, Marketing Mix Strategy, Growth of Third Pasrty Funds (DPK)
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