The Influence of Millennial Investors on IHSG Movements In Jakarta Indonesia


  • Martha Riawan Universitas Pamulang
  • Tri Widagdo Universitas Pamulang
  • Putri Enjelikal Falah Universitas Pamulang


According to the 2020 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), 65 million millennials were born between 1991 and 2011, accounting for 24% of Indonesia's total population (BPS). PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) gave an example of the young generation or millennials still counting the number of investors in the Indonesian capital market. Throughout 2020, young investors aged 21-30 years accounted for 39.72% of the total number of investors. Therefore, IDX participated in the utilization of the Central Securities Depository Authority (KSEI) and securities companies in Indonesia, and began to organize various courses, ranging from talk shows, seminars to workshops and capital market schools (SPM), information technology and investment knowledge, and the use of information technology and investment knowledge. Intelligence application on the phone. This research method is library research method. Contributors of this research are students of Master of Management at Palmerang University. The results of this study indicate that the development of information technology is very significant for millennial investment interest. And investment knowledge has a positive and significant effect on millennial investment interest.

 Keywords: IHSG, Share, Millennial Generation


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