Online Learning Development 2021 as Skill Refresh Solution for Shell’s Gas Station Employee during the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Paino Paino Universitas Pamulang
  • R. Putut Nowo Purwanggoro Universitas Pamulang
  • Ahmad Subur Universitas Pamulang
  • Maria Tripena Polmauly Sihombing Universitas Pamulang


One form of investments a company can take is employee training. But it was constrained by the Covid-19 pandemic. Many companies have ended up having to temporarily suspend their employee training activities during this pandemic. But actually, this condition should not prevent the companies from carrying out their employee training programs. There are many training methods to choose, in this pandemic condition. And the online training is one of the methods to choose.

This research aims to discover the implementation of the Online Learning Development 2021 as Skill Refresh Solution for Shell’s Gas Station Employee during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research employed the descriptive qualitative research method. Data used in this research consist of primary and secondary data. The techniques for gathering data to answer the research problem are observations, questionnaires, interviews, and documentations.

This research found that the Online Learning Development 2021 was an online work training held by PT. Shell. The purpose of the training is to develop the skills of competent gas station operators and to maintain the safety and also to decrease the rate of accidents at the gas stations. The participants that were involved in the training program are (1) Shift Managers; (2) Forecourt Service Champions (FSC); (3) Select Service Champions (SSC); and (4) mechanics. The Online Learning Development was implemented for a full year in 2021. The training materials were relevant to the current challenge, which is how to handle customer complaints, how to give satisfactory services to customers, good customer service principles, the usage technique of APAR for early fire extinguishing in gas stations, and the usage of dispensers and nozzles. Considering the risks at gas stations are still big, and the commitment in work safety and health, and also service quality, the training of human resources is something not to be ignored in order to sharpen the employee skills.


Keywords: Online Learning Development, Shell gas stations, Covid-19 Pandemic


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