Kontrol Diri Pada Mahasiswa Selama Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh


  • Doni NST
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


Covid-19 is a global pandemic that has prompted the government to issue a distance learning policy which has become a polemic for students. This study aims to analyze quantitatively descriptive on the level of self-control of students who run distance learning. The subjects of this study amounted to 110 students who run distance learning. Researchers tested the content validity of the self-control scale, the results showed a reliability coefficient of 0.918. The results also show that students who run distance learning have high self-control, namely the empirical mean score of 88.23, which is greater than the hypothetical average score of 67.5. Meanwhile, descriptive data on respondents based on domicile, age, and semester level showed the average empirical mean in the high category. However, there are differences in empirical scores based on gender, the results show that women have high self-control compared to men.

Keywords: Self Control, Distance Learning


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