Pemanfaatan‘Digital Fundraising dalam Kegiatan‘Bulan Dana Palang Merah Indonesia


  • Surya Budiman
  • Nia Latifah
  • Agus Sopian
  • Zixri Maulana


The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) is a humanitarian organization engaged in humanitarian action, especially disaster management. To maintain its existence, PMI needs to have a strong foundation in any aspect, including funding. One of PMI's routine sources of funds comes from the Bulan Dana PMI program. This program is a routine activity carried out by all PMI offices in Indonesia, including PMI DKI Jakarta Province. The fundraising process carried out in this activity is usually carried out traditionally. The COVID-19 pandemic has made PMI DKI Jakarta shift this implementation method from traditional to digital. Therefore, in the Bulan Dana activity in 2020, PMI DKI began to apply the digital fundraising method. In essence, this activity remains the same as the activity in the previous year, to raise funds. However, in digital fundraising, potential donors make their donations no longer directly in physical items but with digital money (electronic money) sent via digital money applications. This digital fundraising activity is considered adequate because, in addition to an increase in income figures for the Bulan Dana activities in 2020, by utilizing digital technology, the area coverage for donors is not limited, so that PMI can reach anyone without any limitations of space and time. The success of digital fundraising activities in the Bulan Dana program will determine the implementation of PMI activities for the coming year. Because the financial strength of non-profit social organizations only comes from the fundraising process. Digital fundraising is the beginning of the application of digital technology in the realm of PMI organizations. In the next five years, all PMI activities (not only fundraising) may be based on the digital world and open up opportunities to become smart organization that collaborates with PMIs throughout Indonesia connected in the digital world.

Keywords: PMI, Bulan Dana, Digital Fundraising, Electronic Money, Smart Organization


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