Analisis Investasi Saham Menggunakan Strategi Growth Stocks Pada Emiten Sektor Properti Periode 2018-2022 (Q1)


  • Bambang Eko Supriyanto
  • Febrianto Hermawan
  • Nurbaety Nurbaety


The objective of this study is to find out which stocks continue to grow from year to year as one of the criteria that investors can choose in investing stocks. To identify which stocks have the potential growth continuously, Growth Stocks strategy is used. Growth Stocks are stocks that have the potential to grow above the average market growth. To find stocks that have  potential growth continuously, the PEG Ratio (Price/Earning to Growth Ratio) is can be used. PEG is the development of the Price Earning Ratio (PER), which includes the annual growth rate of Earning Per Share (EPS). The object of this research is shares in property sector issuers on the grounds that the property sector is believed to recover after the Covid-19 pandemic era, although it may not have fully recovered as before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Growth Stocks, Growth Investing, Property


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