Efektivitas Reward Pada Kinerja Guru Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mathla’ul Anwar Kademangan


  • Marifah Marifah
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


The effectiveness of the award on the performance of Madrasah IbtidaiyahtaeachersMathla’ul Anwar Kademangan for the 2022/2023 academic year. Article from the 2022 Unpam University Master of Management Study Program. Effectiveness in general is a condition that indicates the level of success or achievement of a goal as measured in terms of quality, quantity and time. The definition of reward is an award, reward, reward or imbalance given by the school as a form of appreciation for the teacher's efforts in teaching and aims to motivate teachers to increase enthusiasm in teaching and aim to maintain pribatayayadiole from batikonto to pribataya. There are rewards because there are still many teachers who deliver lessons in class that do not attract students' attention, the learning poses are still monotonous, there are still extras that convey the day and the teacher's lack of disscipline. Based on this description, the formulation of the problem that can be drawn is how the effectiveness of rewards on teacher performance can be. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the effectiviness of awarding teacher performance in MI.  wassuccesfull. MI. Mathla'ul Anwar Kademangan Serpong, especially from each grade 1-6. This research was conducted by MI. Mathla'ul Anwar Kademangan Serpong in April 2022. The research method used is field research and interviews and is a qualitative research. It is evident from the results of field research and interviews that it can be stated that the use of the reward method on teacher performance is very effective in motivating Mi teachers. Mathla'ul Anwar Kademangan to achieve better results in student education and make schools proud if teachers can produce outstanding students. The results of this study are expected to be useful for related parties such a school leaders, teacher, parents, students, and other researchers.

Keywords: Effectiveness Reward, Performance Teachers, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah


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