Pengaruh Kompetensi Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Express Transindo Utama


  • Akhmad Fatkhurohman
  • Julpikar Supriadi
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


The purpose of the study is the effect of competence on the performance of employees, knowing the work motivation on employee performance and the effect of competence and motivation to work simultaneously on employee performance. In this thesis, the author uses the research method used survey method or an explanatory explanatory or descriptive correlational nature examine the relationship between the variables studied, so they will know how much influence the competence and motivation on employee performance. This research method was chosen primarily because of the limited time, cost and effort the authors have, so this problem the authors hope to examine specific aspects of a social situation in depth, in this case is the aspect of the competence and motivation influence on performance. The results showed that the value of determination coefficient of 0.506. This suggests that the ability of the competence and motivation variables explain its influence to the variable performance of employees at PT. Express TransindoUtama amounted to 50.6%. While the remaining 49.4% is the influence of other variables not examined in this study, calculated F value of 42.069, while the value of F tabels ebesar 3.11 confidence level of 95% or α = 0.05. This indicates that the value hasilpenelitian reject Ho and accept Ha. Thus simultaneously competence and motivation significantly influence employee performance in PT. Express TransindoUtama and Y = 3.671 + 0.590 X1 + 0.352 X2 means that there are similarities can be seen that the competence and motivation have the ability to affect the performance of employees of PT. Express Transindo Utama. The results of this study can be a reference for the various parties to improve employee performance. For that we need their attention on work motivation in the organization. In addition, employees should also be developed continuously through the competence of the employees.

Keywords: Competence, Motivation, Performance


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