Pengaruh Pelatihan Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Area Palmerah Jakarta Barat


  • Siti Mardliyah
  • Dwi Agus Setiawan
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


This writing aims to determine how the influence between training and motivation on the performance of employees of PT Source Alfaria Trijaya in Jakarta. The research method used is descriptive quantitative and questionnaires (questionnaires) which contain 8 statements related to training, 10 statements related to motivational variables and 12 statements related to employee performance variables to 53 respondents who are employees of PT Source Alfaria Trijaya in Jakarta. Data processing uses SPSS version 25. The analytical methods used are Validity Test, Reliability Test, Classical Assumption Test (Normality Test, Heterescedasticity Test, Multicorrelation Test, Autocorrelation Test), Simple Linear Regression Test, Multiple Linear Regression Test, Correlation Coefficient Test, Coefficient of Determination Test, T Test and F Test. Based on the results of research on the data that has been meet the Validity Test, Reality Test, Multiple Linear Regression Test processed so as to produce the following regression equation: Y = 1.706 + 1.367 X1 + 0.142 X2 This shows that all the independent variables tested have a positive and significant effect on sales through the T test and F test, while the R number is 0.974. This shows that 97.4% of purchasing decisions as the dependent variable are influenced by product quality and design as an independent variable and the remaining 2.6% is influenced by other factors outside this research model.

Keywords: Employee Performance; Motivation; Training


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