Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Mobil Bekas (CV Bunda Motor Tangerang)
This research uses Qualitative description analysis method by interview, observation and documentation, IFA (Internal Factor Analysis) and EFA (External Factor Analysis) Matrix, SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunity, Threat) Analysis, and QSPM (Quantitative Strategy Planning Matrix) Method based on interview result, the suitable 5S method to improve quality of product, should be implemented in this company.There are 3 locations to classify warehouses. They are : Rejected Area, Tools Warehouse, and Spare Part Warehouse. There are 5 SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) applied, those are : SOP of Used Car Clean Up, SOP of Used Car Receiving, SOP of Rejected Area Stock Arrangement, SOP of Spare Part Warehouse Arrangement, SOP of Tools Warehouse Arrangement. Regarding the all SOP. Related to each SOP, the Forms for Check List are provided. IFA and EFA Matrix shows that the company is in quadrant V (middle). By QSPM we find 7 Task Alternative Strategies which can be implemented, those are : Improvement of product quality, Improvement of promotion, Improvement of showroom place quality, Keeping good relationship with Leasing, Increasing quantity the favourite types, Keeping good relationship with consumer to get references, Selective in used car purchasing.
Keywords: Marketing Strategy; 5S ; Used car
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