Strategi Pemasaran Pendidikan Dalam Meningkatkan Citra Sekolah


  • Meilisa Indriarti


The purpose of research is the analysis of marketing strategies in enhancing the image. This study is a qualitative research using a case study approach. Techniques of collecting data through observation, documentation and interview . The study found that elementary school education services Islam Surya Buana prioritize its efforts on the fulfillment of expectations and customer satisfaction. Marketing education in improving the image of the school performed in some of the strategies; direct strategy and indirect strategy, difference strategy, financing strategy. However, an effective strategy in SDIT Darul Qur’an Mulia is to show proof of the quality of graduates and image building service satisfaction through word of mout. The impact of marketing strategy for imaging in SDIT Darul Qur’an Mulia are; a). The high of customer loyalty (public understanding). b). Public confidence is getting stronger (public confidence), c). The existence of public support (public support), d). The establishment of effective cooperation between schools and parents (public corporation).

Keywords: Service, service marketing, education marketing


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