Analisa Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Absensi Karyawan Pada PT. Kage Dwijaya Di Tangerang


  • April linus Hia
  • Erlan Jaelani
  • Hengky Mayer


PT. Kage Dwijaya is a medium-scale company engaged in services, Dairy based foods, and frozen foods and so on. In this company, there is an employee attendance system that is still running manually, where in the application of this attendance system there are several problems, including the effectiveness of the timesheet process and the use of paper, the form of attendance reports is still in the form of hardcopy files which can make it difficult the data search process, and the possibility of missing and scattered attendance files. For the reasons above, the authors provide an alternative to create a computerized attendance system application that will record data and employee attendance lists, arrival times, return times, which will be made systematically and computerized with a web-based attendance system method, thereby eliminating the recording process of experienced employees who so far it has been running manually.

Keywords: Attendance System, Manual, Employee, Hardcopy.


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