Pengaruh Need For Independence, Risk Taking Propensity dan Need For Achievement terhadap Entrepreneurial Intention pada Sifat Mahasiswi Universitas Ternama Indonesia
The main purpose of this research is to examine whether 1) need for independence can affect entrepreneurial intention. 2) risk taking propensity can affect entrepreneurial intention and, 3) need for achievement can affect entrepreneurial intention. Sample was selected using nonprobability sampling method amounted to 120 respondents of women students from Tarumanagara University. Data were measured by likert scale and analysed with SmartPLS 3,0 program. The result of this study shows that 1) need for independence have a significant influence on entrepreneurial intention, 2) risk taking propensity have a significant influence on entrepreneurial intention, and 3) need for achievement dont have a significant influence on entrepreneurial intention effected the college student. In this research several recommendations for research are presented based on conclusions and suggestions on the results of this study.
Keywords: Independence, Risk Taking Propensity, Achievement, Entrepreneurial Intention
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