Pengaruh Lokasi, Harga dan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia terhadap Daya Saing pada Rumah Sakit Muhammad Husni Thamrin Cileungsi


  • Mutia Tri Yuliyati
  • Yusmelinda Zagoto


The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of Location on competitiveness at Muhammad Husni Thamrin Hospital, Cileungsi, to determine and analyze the effect of Price on competitiveness at Muhammad Husni Thamrin Hospital, Cileungsi, to determine and analyze the effect of Quality of Human Resources on competitiveness at Muhammad Husni Thamrin Hospital, Cileungsi, to determine and analyze the effect of Location, Price and Quality of Human Resources on competitiveness at Muhammad Husni Thamrin Hospital, Cileungsi. This research uses quantitive research. The population in this study were 155 patients at Muhammad Husni Thamrin Hospital, Cileungsi. The sampling technique in this study is total sampling so that the number of samples is 155 respondents. The results showed that, Location had a positive and significant effect on Competitiveness, Price had a positive and significant effect on Competitiveness, Quality of Human Resources had a positive and significant effect on Competitiveness, Location, Price and Quality of Human Resources together had an effect on Competitiveness.

Keywords: Competitiveness, Location, Price, Quality of Human Resources


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