Effect of Location, Price and Quality of Human Resources on Competitiveness in PT. Freetrend Balaraja in Tangerang District
The research objectives are as follows: 1) To determine the effect of location on competitiveness at PT. Freetrend Balaraja in Tangerang Regency. 2) To determine the effect of price on competitiveness at PT. Freetrend Balaraja in Tangerang Regency. 3) To determine the effect of the quality of human resources on competitiveness at PT. Freetrend Balaraja in Tangerang Regency. 4) To determine the effect of location, price and quality of human resources together on the competitiveness of PT. Freetrend Balaraja in Tangerang Regency. The data analysis tool used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with SPSS 20 tool. The population studied were employees of PT. Freetrend Balaraja in Tangerang Regency. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling, a sample of 83 consumers of PT. Freetrend Balaraja in Tangerang Regency as respondents in this study. The results of this study indicate: 1) There is an influence of location on competitiveness. 2) There is an effect of price on competitiveness. 3) There is an influence of the quality of human resources on competitiveness. 4) There is an influence of location, price and quality of human resources which together affect competitiveness.
Keywords: Location, Price, Quality of Human Resources, Competitiveness.
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