The Relationship Of Bureaucratic Reform To Standard Operating Procedures (Study In Organizational Bureaus And Bureaucratic Reform)of the DKI Jakarta provincial government


  • Dwiky Fitriansyah Pahlawan
  • Sri Wahyuaningsih
  • Agus Suharyadi
  • Irma Hetty Siregar


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are guidelines used to ensure that the operational activities of an organization or company run smoothly. Standard Operating Procedures at the Bureau of Organization and Bureaucratic Reform are written standard guidelines that are administrative in nature in the context of meeting the needs of external and/or internal services.The purpose of this study as to describe the relationship of bureaucratic reform to standard operating procedure (SOP) at organizational bureaus and bureaucratic reform of The DKI Jakarta provincial government. This study uses a qualitative method approach, namely a case study that produces descriptive data that is poured into words. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, interviews and literature studies. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that bureaucratic reform has a significant relationship with standard operating procedures (SOP) on the performance of public services and the performance of the people's welfare of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. The success rate of the bureaucratic reform process at the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Bureau of Organization and Bureaucratic Reform is quite good.However, this fairly good process has not been supported by the maximum results of bureaucratic reform.

Keywords: Standard Operating Procedures, Bureaucratic Reform, and Relationship


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