The Very Suitable Methods of Profile Matching and Analytical Hierarchy Process for Major Selection (Case Study: SMK Global Tangerang)


  • Arif Nurrochman
  • Agung Budi Susanto
  • Taswanda Taryo


Problems in choosing majors at SMK Tangerang Global make students less careful in choosing majors. The problem in choosing a major is the incompatibility of the concentration of the chosen major with academic values, interests, skills and abilities, and following the advice of friends or parents. The purpose of this research is for prospective students who will register as new students at the Tangerang Global Vocational School which will make students focus on their talents and expertise. Decision making regarding the selection of majors must be appropriate so that students are able to develop talents, understand the material, and are not burdened in learning activities at school. This study uses the Profile Matching method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process method to help provide recommendations to students in choosing majors so that decision making becomes more effective and accurate. This research is for prospective students who will register as new students and grade X students in Odd Semesters. Determination of criteria including science test scores, math test scores, Indonesian test scores, English test scores, TPA test scores, interview test scores and interest test scores. This study makes a comparison which is more effective between the two methods. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Profile Matching methods are suitable because they are alternatives for students who will take more effective majors and the decisions obtained are not only subjective, but can be more objective. The results of testing the system that was built will determine students according to their choice of majors and the criteria that have been set so that they are not wrong in choosing the concentration of majors at SMK Tangerang Global so that students can get the best grades and achieve more.

Keywords: Major Selection , Profile Matching, Analytical Hierarchy Proses


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