Improving the Competence of Competitive Human Resources in Facing the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Towards the Era of Society 5.0


  • Hetty Novianti
  • Nurlaela Sari
  • Sri Mia Mei Monika
  • Tamil Arif
  • Hadi Supratikta


The Industrial Revolution 4.0 brings disruptive technological innovations that blur physical, digital, and biological boundaries in all fields, and change the way people live and work. Technological breakthroughs will create opportunities in the economic, social, and personal development fields, but artificial intelligence will take over human work so HR readiness is needed to face challenges in the 4.0 era. Improving the quality of human resources (HR) can be used as a solution to create quality human resources following the needs and challenges of the times to create new skills that affect competence. This paper aims to describe, analyze and examine the competence of competitive human resources in the Aeroelastic and Aeroacoustics’ Aerodynamics Laboratory at the National Innovation Research Agency (LA3-BRIN) in facing challenges in the era of disruption 4.0 towards the era of society 5.0. This study uses a type of library research method with a descriptive analysis method approach. The results show that LA3-BRIN HR must improve competence through training, education, coaching, recruitment, system changes, opportunities, and rewards so that they are ready to adapt and revolutionize themselves to rapid technological developments, so that superior, creative, and empowered human resources will be created. competitiveness against the onslaught of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is heading towards the Society 5.0 era.

Keywords: Competence, Human Resources, Technology


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