Increasing Msme Profit During The Covid-19 Pandemic Through The Utilization Of E-Commerce-Based Information Technology


  • Reisky Noverdiansyah
  • Bakti Abu Birgantoro
  • Agasti Prior
  • Hadi Supratikta
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on multi-sector businesses including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), especially when implementing the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) policy where people's mobility is very limited, causing a decrease in sales turnover of MSME products. This decline in sales turnover has had an impact on the continued decline in expected revenue/profit. Restrictions on people's mobility have narrowed the movement space for MSME players to produce products or services and narrowed the space for MSME product consumers. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced MSMEs to be able to change their marketing strategy so that they can survive during this pandemic and new normal, even if it is possible to increase profits. One of the solutions to increase MSMEs' profits during the covit-19 pandemic and the new normal period is to implement an information technology-based marketing strategy, one of which is through e-commerce. Training on the application of management knowledge in the Utilization of E-commerce-Based Information Technology was given to the West Java MSMEs Champion in Depok City. This training aims to provide knowledge and tools for Utilizing E-commerce-Based Information Technology to Increase MSME Profits During a Pandemic. The method used is a survey method and delivery of material directly as well as simulations and discussions regarding the application of information technology based on e-commers. The results of this activity show that information sharing and technology transfer as well as the participation of both the government, the world of education and other stakeholders in efforts to assist and develop MSMEs are highly expected by MSME Business Actors at the field level. The conclusion from this activity is that in difficult conditions such as the Covid 19 pandemic and the new normal era, there are still concrete strategies that can be carried out by MSME business actors in order to optimize marketing and sales of their products in order to increase profits, including through the implementation of e-commers. The use of e-commerce-based information technology is that every consumer can access information about the products they want from anywhere and the products can be sent to the intended address without having to make a direct transaction. These e-commers provide two-way communication in real time, conduct conversations as well as branding, have a broad (global) reach, can embed automation, security and opt-in of customer messages, and increase profits.

Keywords: UMKM, Pandemic Covid 19, E-commerce


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