The Influence of Price and Location Affects Customer Satisfaction in PT. Earth Prima Beautiful Nature at Pabuaran Housing, Tangerang


  • Iffatun Hasna Desyani
  • Dimas Januar Putra
  • Rudi Setiawan
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of price and location, partially and simultaneously, on the customer satisfaction of homeowners at Taman Pabuaran Housing, Tangerang. This study's sample size was 89 people. The sample is calculated using the Slovin formula. The sampling methods used are Non-Probability Sampling and Incidental Sampling. Measuring tools in research using ordinal and Likert scales The software used is Microsoft Excel 2019 and SPSS 25. The results of multiple regression analysis Y = 20.218 - 0.035X1 + 0.210X2. The independent variable that has the most influence on the dependent variable is the location variable (0.210), while the independent variable price has no significant effect on customer satisfaction. The results of the t test prove that one of the four independent variables (location) partially has a positive and significant effect on the dependent variable, namely customer satisfaction, while the independent variable (price) has no significant effect on customer satisfaction. The coefficient of determination (Adjusted R2) obtained is 0.135 or 13.5%, which means that consumer satisfaction is influenced by the price and location variables, while the remaining 86.5% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. The conclusion drawn from the research results is that location is considered important as a determinant of consumer satisfaction for homeowners in Taman Paburan Housing, Tangerang.

Keywords: Price, Location, and Consumer Satisfaction


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