The Effectiveness of Online Learning With Synchronous and Asynchronous Models On Students' Learning Achievement With TOPSIS Method (Case Study: Asy Syakirin Islamic Middle School, Tangerang City)


  • Danil Satria
  • Taswanda Taryo
  • Murni Handayani


The COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in early March 2020 caused learning at the Asy Syakirin Islamic Middle School, Pinang District, Tangerang City to be shifted to distance learning, a learning system that does not take place in one room and there is no direct face-to-face interaction between teachers and students. Teachers have a choice of learning models that can help distance learning, namely through the synchronous learning model and the asynchronous learning model. The purpose of this research is to determine how effective the two distance learning models are and is to find out which model is more effectively used during distance learning through the Synchronous and Asynchronous models. A TOPSIS method is a concept that the best alternative not only has the shortest distance from the positive ideal solution but also has the longest distance from the negative ideal solution and the method was applied. The research covered analysis based on the results of questionnaires and interviews with research subjects. The research was supported by Class VII students at one of the Islamic Middle Schools in Pinang District, Tangerang City, namely Asy Syakirin Islamic Middle School. From the descriptive analysis, the average value of the Synchronous group's learning outcomes is 60.14% higher when compared to the Asynchronous group's learning outcomes. Both he Asychronous and Synchronous models with the TOPSIS Alternative S1 Method of analysis are the closest solutions for Learning Media models in the network with the Synchronous and Asynchronous methods. Thus, both the Asychronous and Synchronous models with the TOPSIS Alternative S1 Method of analysis are the closest solutions for Learning Media models in the network with the Synchronous and Asynchronous methods.  

Keywords: Distance Learning, Synchronous, Asynchronous, TOPSIS, Learning Media


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