Strategy for Maintaining Human Resource Loyalty And its Implications on Productivity At PT. Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia, Tbk
A loyal employee will sacrifice many things first to prove his ability. From these observations, loyalty will arise if the employee's needs have been fulfilled by the company system. In practice, many business methods depend heavily on loyalty but don't have the effort to build it. As a result, the company looks like a vessel that does not value its employees. By considering employees as an integral part of the company, it will have implications for increasing work productivity, as indicated by increased company profits. To realize the performance in accordance with the name it bears, PT. Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia always adheres to the principles of professionalism, openness and prudence. Realizing the importance of the role of HR creates PT. Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia, Tbk. has always placed human resources as the key to the company's success. Therefore, qualified human resources who have knowledge, skills, and high motivation are company assets that are highly relied on to achieve company targets so that to grow and develop more and achieve high competitiveness in the banking industry. The results showed the loyalty level of PT. BSMI employees are quite good, it can be seen from several tables relating to loyalty, part of the company, morale, superior integrity, disclosure of suggestions and criticism, honesty, obedience, and work environment. What management does to maintain employee loyalty is to create a family culture. Creating a conducive work environment, scanning employees, and then giving appreciation to employees who excel, providing motivation to employees in the form of providing training, compiling grading that refers to the compensation, preparing salary structure, and periodically reviewing certain components adjusted to competitors' conditions.
Keywords: Employee, Loyalty, Productivity
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