Implementation of A Blockchain Security Solution For Indonesia Corporate Digital Economy Systems In 2025


  • Fajar Nur Iman
  • Taswanda Taryo
  • Agung Budi Susanto
  • Afzal Sayed Munna


Indonesia will have 275 millions of population by 2025 and the country is predicted to be the 4th rank of 10.5 Trillion USD GDP in the globe. A security of the company's financial system is very important for the sustainability of the company, especially in cases of alleged hacking by irresponsible individuals. Blockchain technology has been frequently discussed recently and it is predicted to be the safest technology today. This technology can be connected through cryptography and its use itself cannot be separated from Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency has also gained the attention of many people all over the world, including Indonesia. Up to now, there has not yet been an assessment of the possibility to apply the blockchain technology for digital economy in Indonesia. As of October 2020, almost 30 million Indonesians own cryptocurrency and the country is also amongst the top countries in terms of the increase in use of Bitcoin. Blockchain may be one of choices and can be also applied for a decentralized digital medium and record-keeping capable of recording all transactions taken place. The application of the technology in an E-commerce service is also an urgent need because in carrying out the transaction process a security system is needed to maintain data confidentiality. There are several types of blockchain networks, the most popular being Etherium's ERC-20, where the world's first digital currency cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, runs, and now there are countless companies using Etherium's ERC-20 blockchain network. Due to the previously explained facts, this paper proposes the strategies of possibility to utilize blockchain-based digital economy in Indonesia by 2024. The strategies commence with SWOT analysis dealing with actions to support the application of it in the country. The all blockchain activities in the country will also be deliberated as well. The reason to choose the blockchain digital economy for the country will also be explained. Finally, the roles of government financial agencies and non-government stakeholders in Indonesia economy activities from time to time are also discussed, so blockchain technology could lead Indonesia economy digital-based taking place in a couple of years or at the end of 2023. Indeed, the country is believed to become the biggest digital economy in the ASEAN region by 2025.Keywords: Blockchain, decentralized, cryptography, cryptocurrency, Indonesia


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