Teknologi Mikro Satelit Berbasis AI Hasil Anak Bangsa Untuk Penanganan Illegal Fishing di Indonesia


  • Ema Wulaningsih Universitas Pamulang
  • Dwiki Herdyan
  • Desi Anggraeni
  • Taswanda Taryo


Indonesia has unique maritime characteristics that are used as international transportation routes supported by its geostrategic position. Security and safety issues in Indonesian waters, such as illegal fishing, can be seen from the fact that the fish production in Indonesia only reaches 24 million tons, while the theft can reach 26 million tons. This research aims to determine the role of locally-based AI Micro Satellite Technology for handling illegal fishing in Indonesia. AI can be used in combination with micro satellites for automatic detection and classification, and it can also be used to develop algorithms for detecting and classifying ships in image data or AIS data obtained from micro satellites. Using machine learning or deep learning techniques, AI can train models to automatically recognize the characteristics of foreign ships in images or AIS data. Through the Automatic Identification System (AIS), the LAPAN-A2 satellite can monitor the movement of ships around the equator, and up to now, 354 million ship movement monitoring data have been collected. Indonesian Micro Satellite Technology is not inferior to the micro satellite technologies possessed by other countries in the world, as proven by the successful detection of various ships entering Indonesian waters illegally. Therefore, in the future, the use of LAPAN-A2 and A3 satellites is expected to be further maximized.

Keyword: Micro Satelite, LAPAN-A2 And A3, Illegal Fishing, AIS


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