Implementation of Learning Management System (LMS) as Innovation in Management Learning In the New Normal Period


  • Syaiful Arif Universitas Pamulang
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang


In the new normal era, the implementation of innovation in management learning is very necessary. Along with the development of technology in learning, learning can be done through online intermediaries that can connect students with their learning resources. Between students and learning resources, appropriate and appropriate management or management is needed. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a Learning Management System (LMS) at SMK N 4 Kota as an innovation in implementing management learning. This study aims to determine the feasibility of the Learning Management System (LMS) as an innovation in management learning. related to using the research method of literature study. Data collection techniques by compiling several previous studies to answer the feasibility of online Learning Management System (LMS) media that have been developed in management learning. The Learning Management System (LMS) test at SMK N 4 Kota is carried out by way of validation with the condition that the average percentage of the assessment is > 50% - 95% with good to very good qualitative. The conclusion in this study is that the development of a Learning Management System (LMS) in learning management is said to be feasible to use


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