Digital Trasformation In Business Management ( Analysis Of Leading Companies)


  • Eniwawan Silaen Universitas Pamulang
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang


This research aims to investigate the relationship between digital transformation, operational efficiency, business performance, leadership and top management commitment, and employee engagement in the context of digital transformation. The study utilizes a qualitative and quantitative approach, involving an online survey distributed to top-level executives, senior managers, and employees involved in digital transformation initiatives. The survey consists of relevant questions related to the variables under study, based on the proposed theoretical framework and hypotheses. The collected data will be analyzed using statistical methods such as regression analysis to examine the significance of the relationships between the independent variables (digital transformation, leadership, and employee engagement) and the dependent variables (operational efficiency, business performance). Additionally, qualitative data in the form of interviews with purposively selected respondents will be gathered and analyzed to gain deeper insights into their experiences, perspectives, and contributing factors to digital transformation. The findings from both quantitative and qualitative analyses will be interpreted within the context of the theoretical framework and hypotheses, providing a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between the variables investigated. The implications and practical recommendations derived from the research findings will guide organizations in developing successful digital transformation strategies. 


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