Analysis Of Marketing Strategies To Increase Sales Of Local Products Brands With International Brands


  • Vera Mariani Saiful Universitas Pamulang
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang


Once the pandemic is over, all industrial sectors are competing to return to their original state, one of which is the FnB industry sector which is trying to restore the customer traffic it achieved before the pandemic and after the pandemic, companies must be able to keep up with the changes that are occurring well. inside the company or outside the company. One of the factors is competition. As the development of a business changes, competition becomes increasingly fierce. Therefore, each company certainly has its own strategy for facing competition. The problem is whether this strategy will be used by the company in 2023. Now the FnB industry network has reached all corners of Indonesia and many of them are well-known brands that can reach almost all corners of Indonesia and regional areas which are currently expanding by absorbing brands that are currently well-known in Jakarta or other big cities. Analysis of external factors shows that the FnB company has enormous opportunities for business development even though competition is quite high between local brands and international brands, by formulating four alternative Strategies SO, ST Strategy, WA Strategy and WT Strategy. 


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