Export Import Development Analysis Of Strategic Agricultural Commodities


  • Indah Sulistio Rini Universitas Pamulang
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang


Agricultural product such as rice, soybean and corn are strategic commodities. The government controls the availability of strategic commodities in adequate quantities, good quality and at affordable prices. Government control  exports and imports as a farmer protection and also to ensure the availability of strategic commodities for consumers. Currenty, The controlling have only been implemented for rice export-import and corn import.  The controlling have not been implemented for for soybean export import and for corn export. This analysis aims to see the development of exports and imports of strategic agricultural commodities (rice, soybean and corn) that have been controlled and those that have not been controlled, through indicators of export and import values, growth, trade balances and ratio. This analysis method is descriptive qualitative. The data source is secondary data from Statistic Indonesia (BPS) from 2012 until September 2023. The results of the analysis show that the trade balance for the strategic commodities of rice, paddy and corn is in deficit because it is prioritized for domestic fulfillment.  As the controlled strategic commodities, rice import growth trend to increase but corn import growth trend to decrease.  For the uncontrolled strategic agricultural commodities, soybean import growth trend to increase.


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