Analysis Of Product Quality Control To Minimize Defects In Cosmetic Bar Soap Products Using Failure Mode And Effect Analysis (Fmea) And Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Methods At PT. Adev Natural Indonesia
Competition between the market for personal care soap and cosmetics products is increasingly competitive. This is proven by the many types of cosmetics produced in the country and abroad that are circulating in the market. Increasing productivity can be done using several research methods including Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Root Cause Analysis (RCA). The production target is the limit of the company's provisions regarding a production result based on plans that have been determined by the company. PT Adev Natural Indonesia is a company engaged in the manufacturing of cosmetic soaps, such as bar/liquid soap, cream, lotion, toner and other products. To meet consumer satisfaction, this company always tries to be able to produce products according to the number of requests. However, the company pays little attention to production activities which can cause production results to not meet targets. The purpose of this research is to propose the implementation of quality control for cosmetic bar soap products to minimize the presence of defective products so as to improve product quality.
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