The Influence Of Product Quality and service quality on custumer satisfaction Myrepublic (case study in bukit indah housing in South Tangerang)
This research aims to find out the influence of product quality and service quality on MyRepublic consumer satisfaction at Bukit Indah Housing, South Tangerang, where the independent variables are: Product Quality (X1), and Service Quality (X2), the dependent variable is: Consumer satisfaction (Y). This research method is a Quantitative Method. The population in this study was 243 users with a sample of 151 respondents. The analysis model used is Multiple Linear Regression which is processed using the SPSS version 26 application program. Data is collected using a questionnaire that has been filled in by MyRepublic consumers. This analysis includes: Validity Test, Reliability Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Classic Assumption Test, Hypothesis Test via T Test and F Test and Determination Coefficient (R2). Based on the results of this research, it shows that Product Quality (X1) has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction (Y) with the results obtained by the t value > t table and Service Quality (X2) has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction (Y) with the results obtained by the value t count > t table). This shows that there is a significant simultaneous influence between Product Quality and Service Quality on MyRepublic Consumer Satisfaction in the Bukit Indah Housing complex in South Tengerang.
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