Efforts to improve the disciplinary behavior of grade 7 students at SMPN 161 South Jakarta


  • Yuliana Yuliana Universitas Pamulang
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang


This research was motivated by several negative children's behavior, such as the habit of coming late to school, not wearing complete attributes, carrying a cellphone when studying. So disciplinary behavior is low. The research aims to improve student discipline at SMP Negeri 161 South Jakarta through group guidance services. This counseling guidance action research was carried out in groups. The population was class VII students at SMP Negeri 161 South Jakarta, with a total of 324 people. Based on observations, questionnaires and interviews, there were 12 students. Sampling used random sampling.

Service actions are carried out in two cycles, each cycle has two meetings. After carrying out cycle 1, an evaluation was carried out, in cycle 1 the results were not good regarding the conditions, 3 students were quite good and 9 students were not good, with various factors causing the implementation of the guidance not to be effective, because the guidance participants did not fully understand it. Still stiff, scared, not yet relaxed, still noisy. In providing cycle 2, based on the services provided in cycle 1, there are several weaknesses and disadvantages, namely that the implementation location is not conducive, the method is not appropriate, the children do not understand the purpose of implementing group guidance services. So it was corrected during the implementation of cycle 2, the result was that students who had very high discipline were 11 children or 91.6% and those who had high discipline were one child, 8.4%.

The results of the group guidance service actions carried out by this researcher have met the requirements for the success category. Because of efforts to improve student discipline through group guidance services at SMP Negeri 161 South Jakarta with a category of reaching 100% who have very high disciplinary behavior. The results of this research (PTBK) can be concluded that the disciplinary behavior of SMP Negeri 161 South Jakarta for the odd semester of the 2018-2019 academic year can be improved through group counseling.


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