Analysis Of Marketing Strategies In Increasing Volume Sand Mining Sales At PT. Mitra Sumber Rezeki


  • Vita Samastha Pratidina Universitas Pamulang
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang


Effective marketing plays a pivotal role in maintaining a stable sales performance, regardless of whether it's on an upward trajectory or a bit lower. This research undertaking is centered on a comprehensive analysis of the marketing strategy employed to enhance the sales volume within the sand mining sector of PT. Mitra Sumber Rezeki located in Lebak district. To delve into this subject, a descriptive research methodology is adopted, specifically geared towards understanding and investigating the current marketing phenomena in this context. The research's core framework is descriptive research with a qualitative approach, allowing for an in-depth exploration of the marketing strategies deployed by PT. Mitra Sumber Rezeki to increase their sales volume. In the quest to dissect the intricacies of marketing strategy, the study focuses on an analysis that leans on the well-established framework known as the 4Ps, which encompass product, price, place, and promotion. Primary and secondary data sources are tapped into for a comprehensive overview of the subject matter. Data collection involves a multi-faceted approach, including interviews, documentation, and an extensive literature review. The process of data analysis adheres to a structured methodology encompassing data reduction, data presentation, and the synthesis of conclusive findings or verification. The outcomes of this study shine a light on various strengths that can be strategically harnessed to bolster the marketing efforts. One notable avenue for growth identified in the research is the potential for expansion through the acquisition of new land, a strategic move aimed at elevating the sales volume and tapping into emerging opportunities within the market



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