The Influence Of Leadership Style And Work Motivation On Employee Performance In The Central Indosat Ooredoo jakarta Finance Control Group


  • Widia Fitriani
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang
  • Wahyu Putro Prabowo Universitas Pamulang


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leadership style on employee performance, work motivation on employee performance, and leadership style and work motivation simultaneously on Group Finance Control Indosat Ooredoo employees. The sampling technique with probability sampling found a sample of 80 people using the Slovin formula. Data analysis used validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, regression analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, coefficient of determination analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results showed that leadership style (X1) and work motivation (X2) had a positive effect on employee performance by obtaining the regression equation Y = 13.210 + 0.338 + 0.336 . The results of this regression analysis show that the coefficients of each variable are positive, meaning that the higher the leadership style and work motivation, the higher the employee's performance. While the correlation value or the level of influence between the independent variable and the variable is obtained at 0.566, meaning that it has a significant effect. The value of determination or contribution of the influence of Leadership Style and Work Motivation simultaneously is 32% while the remaining 68% is influenced by other factors. The test obtained F count > F table or (18.159 > 2.723), this is with a probability significance of 0.000 < 0.05. Thus is rejected and is accepted. This means that there is a simultaneous positive and significant influence between leadership style and work motivation on employee performance.X1X2H0H3


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