Assessment Of The Internal Management Support Service Satisfaction Index General Inspectorate Of The Ministry Of Agrarian And Spatialplanning National Land Agency For The First Semester Of 2023
In attempting for increasing the sustainable service quality as Ministerial Regulation of Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform Number 14 year 2017 about The Guidelines of Preparation for Community Satisfaction Surveys for Public Service Organizing Units, An Evaluation of the public service administration in the inspectorate general of ministry of agrarian affairs and spatial planning/national land agency is needed, on other hand, the author ran the satisfication survey about Supporting Internal Management Service with Regional and Investigation Inspectors and other functional auditor officers as respondents in General Inspectorate ministry of agrarian affairs and spatial planning/national land agency we put attention in Transparancy , Partisipative and Sustainable Principles, in order to improve the Quality of Supporting Management Service, with the hope with receiving objective feedbacks. The implementation of the satisfaction survey was carried out using a Likert scale which was described in several variable indicators. The results of the satisfaction of management support services within the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency survey for the first semester of 2023 obtained a figure of 79.70 and / or concluded in the "Good" category.
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