The Impact Of The Marketing Content And The Quality Of The Service Of The Historical Heritage Faced The Future Decisions In The Arts And Ceramic Museum West Jakarta


  • Nadya Aisya Setiawanti Universitas Pamulang
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang


This study aims to find out to what extent the influence of the marketing mix (X1) on the visiting decision (Y) at the West Jakarta Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics, to know how far the impact of the quality of the service (X2) on the decision of visiting (Y). The type of research used in this research is quantitative. The population in this study was visitors to the Museum of Fine and Ceramic Art in 2019. Sampling technique uses probability sampling with a sample of as many as 100 respondents using purposive samplings. The data collection techniques used are instrumental tests, classical assumption tests, simple and double linear regression analysis, correlation coefficients, determination factors, and hypothesis tests. (uji t dan uji f). The results of the study obtained marketing mix variable significantly influenced the results of visitors with the regression equation Y = 6,633 + 0,594 X1, with the t count value > t table (3,740 > 1,987). The quality of service significantly affected the outcome of the visitors, with the equation of regression Y = 8,337 + 0,796 X2 obtained t count > t Table (4,650 >1,987). Thus it can be stated that Marketing mix and Quality of Service simultaneously have a positive and significant influence on visitors' outcomes with the Y = 4,5337 & 0,292 X1 + 0,477 X2 + e. The correlation coefficient value of 0.827 obtains means that it has a very strong relationship, with a determination factor of 68.4% while the remaining 31.6% is affected by other factors. The test of the hypothesis obtained the value of Calculus > F table (104,969 > 3,09), it is also reinforced with a significant value of 0,000<0,05.


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