Business Opportunities In The Digital Age For The Younger Generation In Entrepreneurship: Strategies To Strengthen The Economy


  • Khaidar Ibrahim Universitas Pamulang
  • Lidya Laras Murdiantoro Pratama Universitas Pamulang
  • Hamsinah Hamsinah Universitas Pamulang


The digital era has had an impact on the development of life, including the life of the business world (business). Without large capital and even a place, people can run a business by utilizing technology through social media. Market place will be formed easily through the use of these technologies. This phenomenon is addressed by the rise of people doing business online, including among the younger generation. If at home by doing online business they can generate income, then this will make them not think of hunting to be civil servants or urban to the city or abroad to make a fortune. Of course, this has an impact on lifting the economy. This paper aims to examine strategies to strengthen the economy through the role of digital technology in creating business opportunities for the younger generation to become entrepreneurs. The research was conducted in Jombang with research subjects of students who were also entrepreneurs. The study method uses phenomenological qualitative. The results showed that digital technology provides opportunities for the development of entrepreneurship in the younger generation. By utilizing social media they can run a business and have income so that they can meet their needs. This study provides recommendations, so that the community's economy is lifted, there should be a technology literacy training program for the younger generation, especially in rural areas. The goal is that the rural young generation is also technologically literate which has an impact on the increasing number of entrepreneurs, the economy is also lifted.


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