Influence Of Job Burnout And Organisational Commitment On Co-Operative Employees' Intention To Turn Over Employees Of The Independent Cooperative Binakarya
Companies with a high turnover intention rate are likely to experience lower profits, lower productivity and inefficiencies that affect the company's performance. Mandiri Bina Karya Cooperative is known to have a relatively high turnover intention rate of 19% in 2021. This study aims to analyse the effect of job burnout and organisational commitment on turnover intention among employees of Mandiri Binakarya Cooperative. This research was conducted on 99 employees selected using the minimum sample technique based on Slovin's formula. In this study, a questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. Multiple linear regression analysis was used as the data analysis method. The results showed that job burnout has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention. This is indicated by the calculated t-value of 0.536 (positive sign) and the significance level of p-value which is 0.000 <0.050. In addition, organisational commitment also has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention with a calculated t-value of -0.215 (negative sign) and a significance level of 0.028 <0.050. At the same time, job burnout and organisational commitment have a positive and significant effect on turnover intention. This is confirmed by the results of the F-test, which shows a significance value of 0.000 <0.050. These findings indicate that the level of turnover intention among employees of Binakarya Mandiri Cooperative is influenced by the effect of job burnout and organisational commitment on turnover intention.
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