Marketing Analytics Strategy of Oxygen Coffee And A Case Study


  • Daud Yusuf Universitas Pamulang
  • Andri Sepian Universitas Pamulang
  • Putri Maulina Universitas Pamulang


Oxygen Coffee is one of the businesses in the beverage sector located in the city of Bekasi. Based on information from the owner of Oxygen Coffee, the average turnover obtained in 2023 tends to decrease. In addition, the number of consumers who buy Oxygen Coffee products has not increased comparatively. The problems faced by Oxygen Coffee can occur due to several things, including the increasing number of competitors. Therefore, Oxygen Coffee needs to evaluate itself, especially in the marketing aspect in order to win the competition and its turnover always increases. This research uses SWOT analysis. The results of this research are Oxygen Coffee's position based on SAP analysis is in a strong position and based on ETOP analysis is in a speculative business position. Based on the SAP and ETOP analysis, the company strategy that can be pursued based on the SWOT matrix is an investment strategy, namely making investments for the short term and then reaping the results of these investments in the future.


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