Educator Development as an Elementary School Resource


  • Ratna Ida H Simanullang Universitas Pamulang
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang


Educator Development as Human Resources at SD Bhinneka Pasar Kemis Development is given to educators as human resources who have an important role in achieving the goals of educational institutions or schools. development is carried out with the aim that educators as human resources have competences that can compete amid the development of science and technology. Qualitative methods are an option in this study. The results illustrate that the development of educators as human resources at SD Bhinneka Pasar Kemis  is carried out in several steps and uses on the job learning and of the job learning methods. In addition, the development of educators as human resources is influenced by internal factors, namely 1) vision and mission, 2) strategy for achieving goals, 3) nature and types of activities, 4) types of technology used and external, namely: 1) government policies, 2 ) socio-cultural society, 3) development of science and technology. The hope is that the development of teaching human resources can be improved continuously.


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