The Relationship between the Implementation of "Doctor Slot Management" and Patient Satisfaction at the ENT Outpatient Clinic at RS Pusat Pertamina, Jakarta
Patient satisfaction is the main objective of health services. One indicator of quality of care in hospital outpatient unit is the appropriateness of physician practice in accordance with the timetable that has been determined by the hospital. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship management application slot physician satisfaction patient at ENT clinic RS Pusat Pertamina Jakarta. This study uses quantitative descriptive method with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were patients at ENT clinic with a total sample of 87 respondents using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used questionnaire checklists that have tested the validity and reliability. The statistical test used in this study using Chi Square. The results showed no relationship between gender and patient satisfaction (p = 0.749), there was no relationship between age and patient satisfaction (p = 0.248), there was no correlation between level of education and patient satisfaction (p = 0.134), there was no correlation sources of financing with patient satisfaction (p = 0.355), there was no correlation between the reference others with patient satisfaction (p = 0.068), there was no correlation of past experience with patient satisfaction (p = 0.337), there was no correlation between advertising hospitals patient satisfaction (p = 0.223), there was a significant relationship between management practices slot physicians with patient satisfaction (p = 0.002). Application of slot management physicians can improve patient satisfaction. Besides it is necessary to find more things that can improve patient satisfaction that will create customer loyalty.References
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